
Adjunct Instructor, University of Minnesota
Fall 2018 – I taught a course on newswriting and reporting for the journalism school.

Adjunct Instructor, University of Maryland at College Park
2009-Spring 2017 – I taught a multimedia storytelling course designed for print journalists looking to start out in audio and video production.

Mentor, Al-Fanar Media
April 2015 – I mentored working journalists and gave talks during a training workshop for reporters covering education in the Arab world.

Teaching Fellow, Harvard University Law School
Fall 2013 – I served as a teaching assistant for Charles Nesson’s course, “Internet & Society,” and I co-wrote one of the case studies, titled “MOOCs and Consequences for the Future of Education MOOCs and Consequences for the Future of Education.”

Multimedia Instructor, Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Training at University of Maryland at College Park
November 2010 – I co-taught a week-long video and audio training for international journalists.

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